
Burnout First Aid: Diagnostic and Preventative Tools

Ended Dec 12, 2019
3 credits

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Full course description

This Professional Development activity supports K -12 teachers and school support staff in identifying signs and symptoms of burnout, or chronic occupational stress, and learn techniques in inoculating stress, and cultivating best wellness practices through positive coping skills and self-care techniques.  Participants will engage in discussion, lecture, and participation-based learning related to relieving stress and cultivating healthy balances of personal and professional responsibilities, stress, and wellness.   This professional learning opportunity is aligned to the CPS Framework for Teaching Components 4a, 4d and 4e.

Instructor: Michael T. Meyer

Course Date: 12/11/2019

Course Time: 5:00 - 8:00 PM

Location: CTUF Quest Center, 1901 W. Carroll Ave., Chicago, IL 60612
Free Parking Available

Registering with Quest Center Online for the first time? 
Please register with a non-cps email address. You will also need your IEIN number. 

Below is the link to obtain your Illinois Educator Identification Number (IEIN#), which is now required by ISBE to award any professional development hours to any individual taking professional development for recertification credits.

Type this link in your browser. Then click on Teacher then click on Log into ELIS then click on Educator Access and login to obtain your IEIN#.  

In order to receive any credit, participants must be in attendance for the entire offering.
No refunds will be issued unless the offering is canceled by CTUF Quest Center.