
The Art of Questioning and Discussion

Ended Aug 6, 2024
15 credits

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Full course description

Online Only | This online offering will familiarize teachers of all grade levels and subjects with “Best Practice” questioning and discussion techniques and their benefits. Participants will analyze their current practice in terms of low-level and high-level questioning strategies. Attendees will learn discussion techniques that advance their students’ explanation of their thinking. They will learn ways to encourage student participation in class discussions and how to teach their students to evaluate others’ points of view. They will also explore best practices of online discussion forums. This offering addresses the CPS Framework for Teaching Components: 1a, 3b, and 4d.

Instructor: Raúl Figueroa

Course Dates: 7/23/2024, 7/30/2024, 8/6/2024

Course Time: 11:00 AM-1:00 PM

Location: Online at
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