
The Culturally Responsive Classroom

Ended Aug 25, 2020
3 credits

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Full course description

This professional development highlights the key behaviors seen in a culturally responsive classroom. Participants will learn what culturally responsive pedagogy (CRP) is, its component parts and where and how it connects to other key elements of teaching and learning (i.e., demonstrating knowledge of students, creating an environment of respect and rapport, establishing a culture for learning, managing student behavior, reflecting on teaching, and showing professionalism). Attendees will explore what culture is and what their own biases are, as a way to value and use the diversity in their classrooms and schools as assets and pathways to teaching and learning, as well as to remove roadblocks that may interfere with that progress. There will be a focus on how CRP helps to not just cultivate positive behaviors in a classroom and a school, but how the practices of CRP leads to academic achievement. There will also be a premium placed on how one might begin to develop a plan to get CRP implemented in their classrooms and school communities.

Instructor: Walter Taylor, NBCT

Course Date: 8/25/2020

Course Time: 11:00 AM-12:30 PM

Location: Online at
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